Why this website?
I keep up with the news about software in magazines and on websites. Often I remember a read something; but where??. Where did I read that again? Regularly I been asked: “do you know a good program … and preferably free”. I started to build a list of these things. I wanted a one-time everywhere reference. Perhaps others could have benefit of a collection of links where to get free software. These are: antivirus, antispam, spam filter, firewall, browsers, cleaners, registry cleaners, defragment programs, online scanners, email clients, office packages, etc.
And so it came. I have gathered some information of each program. My tips are not the undisputed best, I haven’t tested them all and they are in random order. I’m always open for better ideas and tips. The use of these programs is at your own risk and I can in no way be held responsible if, unfortunately, something is not going the way it should go. The websites and the links are not yet complete, but I’m working on it. Click in the footer on logfile, near to the date the page was last updated and look what changed. Visit this site regularly and see what’s new. On march 30 2010 we welcomed the 1000th visitor. June 24 2011 the 5000th. The site is well attended, but I would like to know whether it meets a need. If you want to react please use the contact form. (Also for translation errors ;-) )